Ministry of Economy and Development | OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME COMPETITIVENESS, ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATION EPAnEk-kinisi | NSRF 2014-2010 Print out this page Increase font size Decrease font size GR / EN


Competence Centers [24/6/2020]

Competence Centers are public-private sector structures created to bridge the gap between supply and demand for specialized innovation services and technology transfer in one or more value chains.

The main goal of the Action is to strengthen integrated plans for the creation and operation of COMPETENCE CENTERS, which have the necessary infrastructure and know-how and have as main purpose the support of innovation in sectors of the Greek economy, through the provision of specialized / innovative services / products and technology transfer to businesses, especially SMEs.



30.000.000 euros

The Public Expenditure of the Action is co-financed by National Resources and the European Union and in particular by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under the Operational Program "Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation (EPANEK)" of the NSRF 2014-2020.


Period for submission of investment projects

From 24/06/2020 (12:00) to 13/11/2020 (15:00).


Contact - Info:

EPAnEK Information Office: 8 Dragatsaniou Street, in the center of Athens.

Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 10.00 am. to 2.00 pm.

Information by calling at  801 11 36 300, from a household line, with a local phone charge,  from 9.00 am to 4.30 pm

Information Points of EFEPAE & Partners:

Call for funding proposal
