It was announced by the European Investment Fund (EIF), a Call for the creation of a co-investment Fund with Business Angels (Business Angels co-investment fund) in collaboration with the Ministry of Development and Investments.
A funding of 20 million euros from the JEREMIE Portfolio Fund will be used to finance the Fund.
The JEREMIE Programme began to be implemented in Greece in 2010 and was the first action through which resources from the OP Competitiveness II (PA 2007-2013) were allocated to financing instruments for supporting and financing SMEs through favorable loans.
Through the Business Angels Investment Fund that will be created, ideas and projects will be supported at an extremely early stage, in order for them to mature into business plans which will then attract the interest of other institutional investors.
We note that the utilization of JEREMIE recycled resources is indicative of the value of this type of financial instruments, for leveraging investment funds to companies.
Submissions can be made until 30/11/2020.
See the relevant invitation from the EIF here
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