Ministry of Economy and Development | OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME COMPETITIVENESS, ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATION EPAnEk-kinisi | NSRF 2014-2010 Print out this page Increase font size Decrease font size GR / EN


See the brochure on EPAnEK 2014-2020 – Starting the growth engine [22/1/2015]

EPAnEK is structured around the following main Priority Axes:

- “Enhancing entrepreneurship with Sectoral priorities” 2,367.8 million Euros total budget

-“Adaptability of employees, enterprises and entrepreneurial environment to the new development requirements” 849.9 million Euros total budget

-“Development of mechanisms to support entrepreneurship” 1,360.9 million Euros total budget

- “ERDF Technical Assistance” 70.5 million Euros total budget

- “ESF Technical Assistance” 16 million Euros total budget

Attached files
See the brochure here